GiftconeTP is all about jewelry, and fashion trends especially with springtime right around the corner. The website GiftconeTradingPost ( is scheduled to launch April 10, 2018, but I have been exploring and commented on jewelry, fashion, and fashion accessories for years on my Pinterest boards. GiftconeTP (me-myself-and-I) make an effort to keep up with the trends and styles that pop on the fashion scene and the more high-quality fashion icons that have been around for years and try to bring to you the best of both worlds. My blog is intended to explore and comment on jewelry and women’s fashion ideas as well as share information about fashion sales, and other bargains that are available by sharing fashion related coupons and deals with you.
The jewelry that is available at GiftconeTP is both usual and unusual but always stylish and hopefully never boring. We offer some Steampunk embellishments and jewelry. To represent our more unusual items you will find reasonably priced classic women’s jewelry and accessories for the trendy fashion conscious. I have enjoyed learning how jewelry tells a story about each woman and the more unique the woman, the more unique the jewelry she chooses for herself.
Over the years I have made it a point to try and understand why a woman becomes connected to a piece of jewelry in the hopes that once that secret was uncovered I would always know how to choose the right jewelry for the right occasion. Little did I know women's jewelry was even more complicated than I had imagined, sometimes jewelry is special simply because of the person giving or presenting it. In my current position at GiftconeTP, I have come to realize that in order to help Him make the best jewelry selection for Her or to help Her find just the right jewelry extra to accent her wardrobe my best option was the have the best selection of jewelry items to pick from.
So that is my goal---to make sure that the jewelry selection I provide is the best in looks, quality, and price, will I achieve all of those things? We will see, still, I wanted you to know the reason GiftconeTP, the web-store, is here. Our website will be online in days or so, and there will be blog posts here on this blog full of deals, sales, and useful information about caring for your jewelry.
Over the years I have made it a point to try and understand why a woman becomes connected to a piece of jewelry in the hopes that once that secret was uncovered I would always know how to choose the right jewelry for the right occasion. Little did I know women's jewelry was even more complicated than I had imagined, sometimes jewelry is special simply because of the person giving or presenting it. In my current position at GiftconeTP, I have come to realize that in order to help Him make the best jewelry selection for Her or to help Her find just the right jewelry extra to accent her wardrobe my best option was the have the best selection of jewelry items to pick from.
So that is my goal---to make sure that the jewelry selection I provide is the best in looks, quality, and price, will I achieve all of those things? We will see, still, I wanted you to know the reason GiftconeTP, the web-store, is here. Our website will be online in days or so, and there will be blog posts here on this blog full of deals, sales, and useful information about caring for your jewelry.
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