Back to School
With regard to my last post all about the family tree, this post is meant for parents (or grandparents) with school-age children. In-particular kids getting ready to return to school after summer vacation. When I was younger and it always seemed that no matter how many clothes I already had in my closet returning to school after summer vacation often meant shopping with my mother for new school clothes for myself and my other brothers and sisters. For me, part of the excitement about going school clothes shopping with my parents (mostly my mom) was that we got to accompany her to the children's clothing section of the department stores she visited, of course, check out that store's toy department. Because we were growing so fast my mother thought it best to bring us, kids, along with her to make sure the clothes she purchased fit perfectly and reduce the possibility of a return trip to the same stores because something didn't fit.
What I enjoyed the most was not so much the back to school shopping but the fact that I got to see and sometimes explore many other store sections like sporting goods and toys. We were not really on a shopping spree since my parents budget was usually kind of tight but that didn't stop us kids from trying to turn the trip into a shopping spree. Many of the toys and things that I saw and got the chance to inspect I would try tossing it on top of the pile of clothes already in the shopping cart only to be rejected. How could my mother be out of money, she still had more checks? My brothers and I always try to talk mom into buying us something extra, telling her that the trip to the store would be a perfect chance to buy some toy we wanted; making sure to express the fact that it might be a whole year before we went back to that store, but somehow no matter how hard we tried to convince my mother of the once-in-a-lifetime deal that she was passing up she remained laser-focused on school clothes no matter what, so when it came to extra toys or bb-guns she just wasn't buying it, literally.
On a rare occasion, we could talk her into visiting the music instrument department and picking up a few extras like a saxophone reed
However, you choose to do your back to school shopping and whether the back-to-school shopping chore is something you dread or something you enjoy doing take a look at some of the back to school offers on my new board that includes everything from children's school clothes to school band instrument accessories. band instrument sales
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