Buy Estate Jewelry
Looking Good Doesn’t Have To Cost a Fortune – Buy Estate Jewelry
When it comes to estate jewelry there is always much discussion about what is and what is not estate jewelry. The definition is really quite simple. Estate jewelry is jewelry acquired from the estate of another person, who can be living or deceased. A more simple definition of estate jewelry is jewelry that is previously owned.
Contrary to what many believe looking good doesn’t have to cost a fortune – just buy estate jewelry! And save plenty! There are some false myths floating around that estate jewelry is antique jewelry. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Even though many pieces of estate jewelry are antique, I have usually come across vintage, retro, or fairly modern jewelry at estate sales. That’s why searching for estate jewelry can result in some terrific finds, and if you can come to so kind of agreement on price, some terrific buys!
Just as sobering is the fact that if you attend estate sales on the hunt for jewelry you soon come to the realization that being at an estate sale also does not guarantee "fine jewelry." You are just as likely to discover a costume jewelry collection as you are to find a fine jewelry collection at estate sales.
To me, estate sale jewelry shopping is more like a treasure hunt because unless you have prior knowledge as to what jewelry pieces are going to be shown you really don't know what type or style jewelry you will find. Don't let that discourage you though, I say, arm yourself with a little knowledge and enjoy the hunt. Antique jewelry is normally classed as jewelry that is from the pre -1920, while art deco
, vintage, and retro are often grouped together and denote the era from the 1920s to the 1950s. Gold and silver jewelry pieces are always in demand (by me) but there are so many other beautiful and vintage jewelry pieces waiting to be discovered at estate sales.
If you are looking for classic jewelry like your grandmother may have worn you might find it at an estate sale, but more likely it would be best to consider searching jewelry sites that sell antique and estate jewelry for a more fruitful search in that case. If you are collecting jewelry you should pay special attention to the estate jewelry sites that have a wide range of designer marked pieces. Collecting can be expensive so make sure to set a budget.
If you are looking to complete your wardrobe with a piece of jewelry that will make you stand out from the crowd, estate jewelry is an excellent choice to be on the lookout for when you come across a variety of beautiful pieces from many different time periods. The chances of finding another wearing the exact same jewelry piece as you are drastically reduced.
In other instances, your choices to choose from are between fine jewelry and costume jewelry. The prices are usually very reasonable and the costume jewelry of past eras has a much higher quality than modern costume jewelry
The designs and styles were more highly refined and, in my opinion, much classier. Costume jewelry of past eras was designed not only for the general population but also for the rich and famous. Many design ideas were inspired from fine jewelry pieces of the era.
So the next time you are looking to add a little vintage glamor and sophistication to your wardrobe remember to have a quick search online for estate jewelry
. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with your options, and hopefully, come to the same conclusion that I did; that looking good doesn’t have to cost a fortune.
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