If you come from a big family, will be marrying into one or have friends that have children, you know that babies, toddlers and teens are a given. Sometimes it can be quite overwhelming with all the screaming, giggling and crying, especially on day as important as your wedding. Often the attention span of your little guests only lasts for a few seconds or at best a few minutes which is not a lot considering that a wedding ceremony usually lasts an entire day. So until the time comes where the adults can have a little break and the little ones are being attending by a childcare provider, here are six creative and fun ways to include your young guests in your wedding ceremony!
1. Flower Girl
A cute way to include a little girl in your wedding ceremony is to appoint her as flower girl. The age range can be anywhere from 4 to 8 years of age. Little girls love the idea of being close to the bride, who they possibly see as a princess in such a beautiful wedding gown, as well as scattering flowers down the aisle like a fairy.

Image Credit: Brooke Guiton Photography
2. Ring Bearer
Thinking about having a little boy as a ring bearer is very common, especially if you have a young nephew or maybe a son of your own. The perfect age range can be between 4 and 8 years of age. Little boys enjoy the idea of carrying a very precious treasure to the bride and groom.

3. Bouquet Holder
You might have thought to yourself, what you should do with your bouquet once you have arrived at the end of the aisle; it could be in the way when it is time to exchange the rings. This is when a bouquet holder comes in handy. This task can be for a little boy or girl, who will already be waiting for you at the end of aisle. This way your hands will be free during the ceremony but do not be surprised if some petals are missing!

Image Credit: TK Photographers
4. Reader
Although you and your groom will be the ones to read the vows, maybe you would like to include a young family member or family friend to read a passage about marriage or a little insight of love. This task might be something for older kids, who can read and are not afraid to speak in front of people.
5. Escorting the Bride
Traditionally the father or in some rare cases the future father in law (see Prince Harry’s and Meghan Markle’s wedding) walk the bride down the aisle but there isn’t a reason why your child or another family member can’t escort you.
6. Usher
If you are expecting a lot of guests or having an extensive ceremony, an usher can come in hand. A young usher can help guests to their seats, pass out programs and much more. Due to the responsibility of this task, it is recommended that the usher is between the age of 9-13.

Image Credit: Williams Photography
Keeping children entertained at a wedding ceremony is not an easy task but it is not impossible. Many kids love playing an “important” role, no matter how big or small the task is. It gives them the feeling of belonging to the big kids and giving them a chance to show that they are capable of being responsible of something. Little girls will have sparkling eyes for the bride and little boys will want to be gentlemen like the groom. Having children attend your wedding is certainly special because it allows you to look at things from a different perspective and enjoy the tiniest things in life!
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