Socks you can depend on

Do you shop for women's socks, men's socks, ankle socks, or simply a pair of unique socks?

Anyone who has ever had to treat a blister in the middle of a 20-mile hike will tell you that socks are one piece of gear you can't afford to scrimp on and in economic times where we're all trying to do more with less, do you really need to spend 15 or 20 dollars on a single pair of socks? So, depending on what you plan to do in those socks run, hike, walk, how long you intend to wear them, and how intense your activity level will be, consider the following.

Knowing how to choose the right pair of socks for any activity can save the day, both in overall comfort and protecting your feet. If you’ve ever been sidelined in a 15 or 20 mile walk because of a blister caused mainly because of the wrong pair of socks, or just desired a little more comfort in your socks so that your circulation didn’t feel cut off, or you wore your sock impression in your skin long after you removed your socks you’ve probably delved into your own sock-ology, like me.

I had to stop and think one day, about just what features go into the perfect sock for me. I do know this, choosing the right kind of socks can save your day, not to mention your marathon. So I decided to go for protection, and comfort when embarking on my online sock search. Price was also a big consideration for me and at the time $10.00 dollars for a single pair of socks would definitely eat into the budget I allowed myself to get the five or six pair I needed. But I had made up my mind if the new socks solved the walking problem I was having, and fit the comfortability parameters, I would pay extra for that.

I learned that socks were usually made up of a blend of fabrics, but I didn’t count “fabric” as being one of my problems in looking for a good pair of socks so, I found some acrylic socks that were overall comfortable. The acrylic socks dried fast provided good feeling cushion, and for the most part, were comfortable. For the wool socks, I tried it all depended on the type of wool. Wool socks had always been my GO-TO sock choice during the winter months, but I discovered a new type of wool, called Marino Wool that outshined the standard wool socks I was using.

Marino wool did turn out to be a little more expensive, in fact, more expensive than nylon, acrylic, or cotton socks but I improved my sock-pile by buying two pair of Marino Wool socks too. For me a shock should hug my feet securely and not cramp my toes together, I also look for a snug fit at the arch and heel. What do you look for in the socks you admit to your sock drawer?

Nowadays any sock that pinches, or rubs my feet the wrong way is out. Especially if you wear hiking boots you might want to invest a little time figuring out just what is the right sock for you. In the long run, the time spent looking for the right pair of socks will be well worth the time and the money you spend.


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